1. Copyright and content policy

We do not permit copyright infringement on the site. All files uploaded by users are usually deleted within an hour. However, if we get notified of copyrighted content, we will promptly delete the content and prevent it from getting downloaded.

2. Links

Mp3to8d may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by us. We are not affiliated with those websites and has no responsibility for the content of any third party websites.

3. Website usage

You may only use the site for personal, non-commercial use. You are not allowed to copy, distribute or modify any part of the site without our written permission. You may not disrupt the sites servers on purpose. We have the right to immediately terminate your access to the site.

4. Automation

We do not provide any API for our services. You are not allowed to automate any usage of the services that are provided on the site. It is prohibited to create softwares or automated systems that extract data from this site.